7 Free Tools for Better Blog Writing
There are countless guides out there telling you how to write a blog. The problem is that a lot of them are pretty vague on the actual tools you can use to get started.
So, being the soundest person I know, I’ve decided to whip up a list of 7 tools to help you create blogs for your business. They’re also all free (ish).
Oh yeah, and if you really just cannot be bothered with the whole blog writing malarkey, you can just email me and I’ll write your blogs for you.
Actually no I’m so sorry about that, the call to action goes at the end.
On to the list!
1. Answer the Public
What is Answer the Public? Surprisingly, it’s a place where you can get answers from, well, the public.
All you do is pop a word relating to your industry into the search bar. Then, using autofill data from Google, Answer the Public tells you loads of things people ask about that word, phrase, or topic. This gives you fantastic ideas for blogs.
It’s free, but there’s some sort of limit on how many questions you can ask at a time. Who knows the limit? Google, that’s who.
I’m not doing everything for you, mate.
Whatever the limit is, this is a nifty service and can give you some solid ideas on what to blog about.
It’s also got a really weird video of this guy nodding and smiling in the background and I have no idea why.
2. YouGov
All the data!
YouGov is handy if you need a deep dive of statistics to bulk up the bones of your blog.
It’s full of facts, figures, and public opinions which are always helpful for bolstering an argument. Oh yeah and like Answer the Public, it’s free.
People love statistics, so if you can back up your claims with cold hard facts, then you’re more likely to be trusted in the eyes of your customers.
This makes YouGov a helpful tool to not only expand on your knowledge, but to help you come across as knowledgeable to potential customers.
3. Feedly
Popular events, particularly if they are relevant to your industry, are always great things to blog about.
Use Feedly to create your own newsfeeds around your industry or interests and you’ll be surprised by how many blog ideas come to mind.
What’s great about this particular tool is that if the topic is on Feedly, it means that people are searching for it. This means your audience is likely searching for it too.
THIS means that if you write about it, they’ll come to you for answers.
4. Blog Ideas Generator
Feed HubSpot’s blog ideas generator and it will, you probably guessed it… generate blog ideas.
It’s as simple as that really.
All you do is put in a topic (in the form of a noun) you want to write about, and it will come up with a list of blog ideas for you to work from.
You then apply your own knowledge about your chosen subject area and before you know it, you’re saying “badabing badaboom, I’ve done a blog!”
5. Blog Title Generator
Similar to the above, Blog Title Generator comes up with catchy titles that follow the structure of successful blogs.
The best thing about this particular tool is that once you’ve used it a few times, you get the general gist of the kind of things people ask. This means you can start coming up with blog titles on your own that follow similar, successful patterns.
For the burgeoning blogger, it’s a great starting point to help you create blog titles that will grab the attention.
6. CoSchedule Headline Analyser
CoSchedule’s Headline Analyser is a convenient tool to use in addition to the two mentioned above.
It’s ideal as you can analyse headlines you’ve come up with and it will give you tweaks to give it that extra appealing edge.
It’s always good to get a second or third opinion, and since this is based on stats from already successful blogs, it’s an opinion you probably want to take note of.
7. Your Brain
The last tool is the best of them all – your brain!
Odds on, if you run a business then you have some knowledge on the service or products you provide, so take advantage of yourself.
Which sounds a bit strange.
But seriously, your own experience and knowledge is very underrated when it comes to blog writing. Here are a few ways of utilising the weird, complex thing between your ears for blogging purposes.
Think about your own experiences - Discuss issues you’ve had in business and how you got over them.
Think of problems that are solved with your products - Come up with specific situations where your brand can assist customers.
Write a guide on the best tools to use for something you know a lot about - My idea but I’ll let you off.
Developments in your industry - Is something happening in your industry you could talk all day about? Do it, then.
Trends to watch out for - Are you up to speed with what’s going to be huge in your industry? Let everyone know.
Once you get a few ideas rolling your brain will adapt and it will become easier and easier. To be honest, you’ll probably be surprised at how much you can write once you get your head around the idea of writing blogs.
Get in Touch with ME
A final amazing tool (pause) to help you write better blogs is… this guy!
Whether it’s turning your thoughts into fully formed blogs or coming up with brand-spanking new pieces, I’ve got you covered, friend.
While the above tools are definitely helpful, you need to be creating blogs on a regular basis for them to make an impact.
That’s where I wander in to the equation.
It’s what I do every day, so I’m well positioned to do the job for you. Get in touch to see how we can take the world by storm with regular blog content.
Drop me an email at james@writeocreative.co.uk for examples of work, my rates, and find out how I can write you some memorable, mint blogs for your business.