How To Create a Business Blog Calendar

Content calendars reign supreme in the world of digital marketing. They help you stay consistent with your output, they ensure your content strategy is aligned with your business objectives, and they’re a Godsend when your idea well runs dry.

This guide will help you write a business blog content calendar in five simple steps. I’ll also throw in some of the benefits of doing so and explain how to make a success of your digital marketing with a bit of prep work.

Let’s jump in with an often overlooked but incredibly important step.

Step 1: Define Your Business Goals

One of my golden rules is that you shouldn’t create content for the sake of it. Instead, you should think about what you want from anything you share online, and make sure it makes sense from a business perspective.

Objectives to align to can include anything from increased brand awareness to lead generation or driving website traffic to specific landing or product pages. The trick is to tailor your blog writing calendar around one or all of these and use this as your starting point.

Step 2: Identify Your Target Audience

Understanding your audience helps you attract the right people and boost conversion rates for your website. The result is a more targeted approach that sells more products or services.

Look at all those people listening.

I think tht guy on the left is falling asleep, actually. The woman above her is definitely on her phone. And the one with the blue scarf to the right and up a row.

You don’t want these people. They don’t care. You want the attentive pair in the front and the lady behind the one on her phone to the left.

They’re the moneymakers.

In your blog content calendar, include article styles aimed at different customer groups to understand how various segments react. You can also use sales information to discover demographics and tailor blogs around different buyers. Resonating with multiple groups of people keeps content relevant and converts more website visitors into paying customers.

Step 3: Set a Posting Schedule

Consistency is crucial in building your reputation with potential customers and Google. So, set a posting schedule and stick to it with your blog article writing. This doesn’t mean writing a blog every day, it means experimenting and seeing what kind of frequency is most effective with your audience.

No two businesses are the same, so don’t be afraid of a bit of trial and error with your blog content calendar to determine the perfect posting schedule.

Step 4: Plan for Key Dates and Events

A scattergun approach isn’t advised when writing a business blog. Instead, aim for industry-specific events, product launches, and seasonal trends that might resonate with your audience.

Here we go.

Fill that calendar with dates and events you can write about.

Incorporate these into your calendar and jump on popular, relevant trends to attract more captive demographics.

Step 5: Measure and Adjust Your Strategy

Tracking is the cornerstone of marketing so always measure your content’s performance. If necessary, adjust your content calendar to account for how well each post is working.

Use Google Analytics to determine which articles are doing well and which aren’t. This will help you better align your blog content with your wider business objectives.

Blog Content Calendar Final thoughts

Having a content calendar is a crucial cog in the marketing machine and helps you stay consistent with fresh, relevant, engaging content.

However, don’t be rigid in your approach, and if something crops up in your business or industry, don’t be afraid to comment on it with a blog article. Basically, while blog articles should serve your business objectives, you should also be flexible for the best results.

I have ten years of experience writing blog articles for businesses and do it on an almost daily business. So, for help planning your business blogs or to outsource them completely, drop me an email at


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